Saturday, January 17, 2009


Those path to be trvelled..unknown left to all of exclusion..those hazy mirage..eithr as v hav hoped fr or not..doesnt matters..its kept unsure..unreal..for a student of life..learn to fit being myself in my own life..2 experience thngs i m not even sure...weird it for me...its kinda...challenging..wen u hv 2 beat urself in ur very own life..especially if u hv 2 go against ur will n hopes..n unconcluded answer...for me again..i wanna let go all these i m going tru..coz by going tru tis,i felt weak n distracted..i m taking a major exam...n i nid 2 score n excel...i gotta get tat scholarship i hoped now it seems...y m i doin tis?i dont get myself..m i pretending sum1 else can save me from myself?those path i hv put myself far can i move on with you making me struggle 2 let go tis illusion...i gotta wake myself up frm tis unreal path...i had once put myself into making a choice...of dun hav 2 bcoz ta fill in me has went u do it but i reli cant bear wif you...i placed high thnk tis is ta best path for me....i dun wanna let myself deeper into tis misery which is not even maked for me..i juz drop by ur memory to leave sum remembrance..maybe thts wat v r fated for...v r friends...i cant wait tht long....bcoz i dun wan to...i gotta let go...


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Saturday, January 17, 2009


Those path to be trvelled..unknown left to all of exclusion..those hazy mirage..eithr as v hav hoped fr or not..doesnt matters..its kept unsure..unreal..for a student of life..learn to fit being myself in my own life..2 experience thngs i m not even sure...weird it for me...its kinda...challenging..wen u hv 2 beat urself in ur very own life..especially if u hv 2 go against ur will n hopes..n unconcluded answer...for me again..i wanna let go all these i m going tru..coz by going tru tis,i felt weak n distracted..i m taking a major exam...n i nid 2 score n excel...i gotta get tat scholarship i hoped now it seems...y m i doin tis?i dont get myself..m i pretending sum1 else can save me from myself?those path i hv put myself far can i move on with you making me struggle 2 let go tis illusion...i gotta wake myself up frm tis unreal path...i had once put myself into making a choice...of dun hav 2 bcoz ta fill in me has went u do it but i reli cant bear wif you...i placed high thnk tis is ta best path for me....i dun wanna let myself deeper into tis misery which is not even maked for me..i juz drop by ur memory to leave sum remembrance..maybe thts wat v r fated for...v r friends...i cant wait tht long....bcoz i dun wan to...i gotta let go...


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