Friday, January 15, 2010

People tend to fear death which they had not know when shall come.
Death which signifies the end of something as well as a begining.
Yes, i admit...death is a part that is unavoidable in our life as a mortal but the acceptance of the fact wouldnt be pleasant at all.
but try to think about it, human go on with their life just as it is,
never know when the angel of death will come.
Nevr expected.
Precaution of basic life safety is yeah needed.
This feeling of responsibility is a lil heavy isnt it? but its vital.
Try comparing with those whom knew when they are going to die, waiting and dreading every moment of it. The fear, which state the moment.
like, this is the time.
its even painful for those whom knew when they will go because, they know the fact of them leaving their loved ones behind.
Even, for a person to expect the death of someone is also dreadfully painfull.
but this is the circle of life.
nothing can stop it and we have to move on to the next phase of life. want it or not.
its how life goes.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

People tend to fear death which they had not know when shall come.
Death which signifies the end of something as well as a begining.
Yes, i admit...death is a part that is unavoidable in our life as a mortal but the acceptance of the fact wouldnt be pleasant at all.
but try to think about it, human go on with their life just as it is,
never know when the angel of death will come.
Nevr expected.
Precaution of basic life safety is yeah needed.
This feeling of responsibility is a lil heavy isnt it? but its vital.
Try comparing with those whom knew when they are going to die, waiting and dreading every moment of it. The fear, which state the moment.
like, this is the time.
its even painful for those whom knew when they will go because, they know the fact of them leaving their loved ones behind.
Even, for a person to expect the death of someone is also dreadfully painfull.
but this is the circle of life.
nothing can stop it and we have to move on to the next phase of life. want it or not.
its how life goes.

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